you are the apple of my eye 2011 download

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you are the apple of my eye 2011 download

If you want to download Movies YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYE (2011) is available to download Latest Movie you are the apple of my eye 2011 download at the bottom more precisely under the synopsis or film reviews of you are the apple of my eye 2011, download movie subtitle of you are the apple of my eye in English and Indonesia under the link download YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYE (2011)

Download film YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYE (2011)

English Review
Adolescence is like a heavy rain. Even though you catch a cold from it, you still look forward to experiencing it once again. Ko-Teng has several close friends who had a crush on Shen Chia-Yi. Those friends of Ko's thus moved in unison from Ching Chengs junior high school straight into the senior high school division in pursuit of her.

Naughty in nature, Ko was ordered by their homeroom teacher to sit in front of honor student Shen for her to keep close tabs on him. The two hadn't hit it off at first but Ko gradually fell for Shen, who was always pressuring him to study hard. On the other hand, Shen became impressed by the contrasting values Ko represented. Ko started pursuing Shen but Shen remained hesitant.

Sinopsis Indonesia
Masa remaja adalah seperti hujan lebat. Meskipun Anda masuk angin dari itu, Anda masih berharap untuk mengalami hal itu sekali lagi. Ko-Teng memiliki beberapa teman dekat yang naksir Shen Chia-Yi. Teman-teman dari Ko sehingga pindah serentak dari SMP Ching Cheng tinggi langsung ke dalam divisi SMA dalam mengejar dirinya.

Nakal di alam, Ko diperintahkan oleh guru wali kelas mereka untuk duduk di depan mahasiswa Shen kehormatan baginya untuk menjaga tab pada dirinya. Kedua tidak hit it off pada awalnya, tetapi secara bertahap jatuh Ko Shen, yang selalu menekan dia untuk belajar keras. Di sisi lain, Shen menjadi terkesan oleh nilai-nilai kontras Ko diwakili. Ko mulai mengejar Shen Shen namun tetap ragu-ragu.
Dated Released : 19 August 2011
Quality : HDTV 720p x264 AC3-P2P
Info :
IMDB Rating : 8.1 (916 users)
Star : Zhendong Ke, Michelle Chen, Owodog
Genre : Drama | Romance

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