inuyasha the movie

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Ditulis Oleh : Hafiza Ali
Judul : inuyasha the movie

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inuyasha the movie

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Inuyasa The Movie review
For several seasons Inuyasha has been one of the top-rated anime series on Japanese TV, resulting in a run currently over 160 episodes long. Cartoon Network has, to date, aired more than 70 episodes of the series because of the great and continuing popularity it has also achieved in the American fan community. Thus it is only natural that the Inuyasha movies would finally start making their way to the States. The first one – appropriately subtitled Affections Touching Across Time – is a worthy entry into the Inuyasha franchise which should prove popular enough to insure that the others will eventually follow. I cannot imagine anyone who is a fan of the series not being pleased with this movie, since it showcases all the elements which make the series such a big hit – appealing characters, great artwork, and a balanced mix of comedy, romance, action, and drama – and in some cases improves upon them.

Two hundred years prior to the main storyline Inuyasha's father confronted a great Chinese demon named Hyoga, whose demonic host was accompanying the Mongol invasion of Japan with the intent of collecting the souls of the dead. The battle between the two mighty demons created the great kamikaze which destroyed the historical Mongol invasion fleet, but more important to the movie's story is that Hyoga was defeated and imprisoned in a Tree of Ages in the Forest of No Return, with one of Inuyasha's father's fangs as the seal. Two hundred years later Hyoga's only son, Morenmaru, is freed from his own imprisonment by a shard sent flying from the shattering of the Shikon Jewel. He gathers to him the Chinese demons Ruri and Hari and seeks out the “fang of destruction,” aka Tetsusaiga, because it is the only weapon capable of releasing his father's energy. Once released, Morenmaru would absorb the energy and thus become an even greater demon than his father. When a direct approach to get the Tetsusaiga fails, he opts for a more devious course: kidnap Kagome and use her to goad Inuyasha into doing his work for him.

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